AutoCAD for Theatre Users - A Handbook
The first edition was published by ET Press in January of 2005. After much struggling with how to approach it, I eventually hit upon one large project running throughout the book.
I selected the creation of a Groundplan and 3D rendering of a fictional theatre. By this method most of the techniques required are covered in a theatrical context that people should be to relate to
Exercises and examples throughout the book help the reader monitor their progress in using AutoCAD. Releases up to 2004 are covered in the first edition.
The second edition covered 2009 to 2010. Users of AutoCAD 2011 up until 2013 will also be able to use the book, with minor adjustments
The 3rd edition covered AutoCAD 2014 onwards, whilst the 4th edition, released in February 2018 covered AutoCAD 2018 and has 318 pages with over 300 illustrations.
In September 2021 the 5th Edition was published. This is based around AutoCAD 2022 and updates many of the tools from previous editions. As AutoCAD has become more about online collaboration there is a large section on these new options and apps
You can download the files required for some of the exercises in the book here
Reviews for the first edition
His book will in fact prove useful to anyone learning AutoCAD, in any number of disciplines, well-written, concise and easy to understand - LSI Online
AutoCAD - A Handbook for Theatre Users 5th Edition
ISBN 978 1 904031 96 3
ET Press, Applications and Techniques Series
Other writing
I have written articles previously for the ALD as well as Lighting and Sound International and the ABTT’s Sightline Magazine
In December 2009 I wrote a 2 part article on using CAD in live theatre. AUGI (Autodesk Users Group International) represents all sorts of users of Autodesk programmes, so a lot of the article is about explaining how theatre works.
I contributed sections on a variety of CAD and visualisation programs for the second edition of Skip Mort’s Stage Lighting: The Technicians Guide in 2011.
I usually run a CAD update session at the ABTT Theatre Show and on occasion the PLASA London Show
Most recently I joined with Tom White of VectorWorks on a joint presentations for the ABTT Theatre Show each year.